
Kawaa offers support and digital services that make sense. The service provides a tool dedicated to the animation of projects and events in your community. Kawaa's promise is to use digital technology to meet and create meaningful events.


Kawaa's first design system has been put in place to facilitate the process of creating the various elements of the tool..

Kawaa is :
👉A digital tool, with a site designed to animate, manage, create events, groups, projects, communities
👉An agency with the realization of events and the establishment of "k-space". These are white-label sites that we provide to our customers, and which take over Kawaa's design system.
👉A network of physical place, soon ..

During my first year at Kawaa I took care of the complete redesign of the website. After a first quick iteration, I prefer to concentrate on the creation of a design system and the use of atomic design to optimize the project.

K-Tomic, or Kawaa Atomic is the framework created for the occasion.

it answers the need for constant evolutions, performances and accessibility.


After a first quick iteration, I prefer to concentrate on the creation of a design system and the use of atomic design to optimize the project and especially gradually withdraw me from the development team leaving a turnkey solution for the rest of the team that is less scope interface.

K-Tomic, or Kawaa Atomic is the framework created for the occasion, optimized, with a total weight of 35kb (compressed)

it answers the need for constant evolutions, performances and accessibility.

Atomic Design

Atomic Design is a component design method. This starts from a simple observation, the page is a concept dating from the book and that we transposed to the web. But today, the design per page has no place, we no longer design pages but elements of interfaces that will have to find their place in different environments.

Atoms :
It is an element that alone has no functional purpose. It is "irreducible", can not be divided and it forms the basis of any graphical element of the interface.

Molecules :
These are collections of atoms that form simple interface components.
Molecules must be thought of as "responsive". It is necessary to define if they are fixed or fluid, and on which sizes of device they will appear or not.

Organism :
These are more complex combinations of different molecules or molecules + atoms that form part of the final interface.

Templates :
The templates are the skeletons of the page.

Negative points but...

This is the best way to mobilize tech teams seamlessly. If a person needs an element but does not necessarily have the skills to develop it, he can simply use the existing elements and create a combination.

In our team, the less resources we devote to the interface, the more we can dig deeper and focus on improving the product, so it's a tool we use every day.

In addition, this makes it possible to harmonize the entire interface and to manage problems of multi-branding more easily.